Apparatus and method for measuring the volume and shape of a falling gob of glass. Two cameras are used to make section by section measurements of the horizontal extent of the moving gob. Timing of the measurements is controlled so as to cause measurements to be made at equal increments of the motion of the gob. The measurements are made 90 DEG apart with respect to the gob and are utilized to determine the volume of each section of the gob. The volumes of the individual sections of the gob are then summed to determine the total volume of the gob. An image of the gob is generated on a television screen to aid in the determination of the shape of the gob.
发明作者:Говард Ралн Вильям
申请人:Оуэнс Иллинойс Инк (Фирма);

by measuring them, in re ;; ultimately, the volume of the droplet is obtained, Jinn determining the total volume of the droplet, the resulting volumes of the layers are varied.
Cameras are also used to obtain an image of a drop, which is used to determine its shape. In addition, the drop image is used to determine its orientation, i.e. the slope of the longitudinal axis of the drop relative to its trajectory.
FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a measurement system; Figure 2 is a glass droplet, top view; FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a device for measurement; 4 is a block diagram of a device for measuring the speed and length of a drop; 5 shows a data collection control unit.
As can be seen from Fig. 1, a drop of molten glass 1 falls from the feeding mechanism 2 along the path indicated by the dotted line 3. | Two parallel laser beams 4 and is emitted by lasers 6 and 7, respectively, are directed so that they cross line 3. Distance between the laser beams 4 and 5 is indicated by the segment X. After crossing with the line 3, the laser beams 4 - and 5 fall into the photosensors 8 and 9, respectively. When beams 4 and 5 hit sensors 8 and 9, a signal O is generated at the output of the latter, and in the absence of laser beams, signal 1. When droplet 1 hits the path of laser beams 4 and 5, sensors 8 and 9 are in code 1. After droplet 1 has traveled a sufficient distance so as not to prevent laser beams from entering the photosensors 8 and 9, the latter produce a signal corresponding to code O.
By measuring the time between the start times of 8 and 9, corresponding to the front edge of drop 1 on the laser beam trajectory, you can determine the average speed of the front edge of drop 1 when it passes the laser beams (as distance X is known). Taking into account that the distance X is relatively small, we can assume that the obtained speed is instantaneous. The velocity of the tail edge of a drop can be determined in the same way by measuring the time required for it to pass by the laser beams 4 and 5. Then, the time required for the entire drop to pass by the laser beam can be measured and the length of the drop is determined from (L Vg + 1 (2 at, where VQ is the initial velocity of the drop; a is the acceleration of the force of gravity; t is the time it takes for the entire drop to pass through the laser H1.1 ray 5, is the length of the drop).
With further dropping, the droplet through 5 falls in the field of view of two photodiode cameras 10 and 11, which are angled to each other. The cameras are located at a distance of Y (measured along line 3) from the laser beam 5 and placed at an angle of 90 to each other. Cameras 10 and 11 include a horizontal set of 768 photodiodes. Both cameras 10 and 11 have a digital output, i.e. Each of the photodiodes in the set can have a 1 or O signal at the output, depending on whether the light from drop 1 falls on each of the diodes or not. The threshold for triggering a set of photodiodes is regulated, so that the difference between the light emanating from the drop and in its absence can be detected. When droplet 1 is dropped, the set of photodiodes is scanned at very short intervals. The scanning speed is such that each deployment takes place horizontally across the entire width of drop 1. In the field of view of each of the chambers includes the full length of the cross section of drop 1 and a small part of this length. Each photodiode corresponds to a certain width, i.e. if each of the chambers 10 and 11 has a field of view of 768 mm wide, each diode corresponds to 1 NM. There are successive deployments corresponding to equal increments of the distance traveled by droplet 1 (e.g., each deployment is sensed after a droplet of 1 mm has passed). In this case, cameras make 512 deployments, starting from the moment the sensor 9 passes the passage of drop 1. Scanning is performed at intervals sufficient for the entire length of drop 1 to fall into the visual field of cameras 10 and 11. By connecting successive deployments made by cameras, can io determine the shape of the falling drop 1.
Chambers 10 and 11 sequentially deploy layers, or sections, of drop 1 when it falls. The measurements obtained during the deployment process can be used to determine the cross-sectional area corresponding to each deployment. The cross section of drop 1 has a round or close to round shape (for example, elliptical with large and small axes, differing 5 not more than 15% ). If the transceiver 24 is connected to the registering device 25 and the computer 16. The output of the computer 16 is also connected to: the recording device 25.
The operation of the device starts from the moment when sensor 8 registers the front edge of drop 1. The reset signal from sensor 8 enters the data acquisition control 13 and the last also generates a reset signal. After this, blocks 12, 19 and 20 are ready to receive data and the generator 18 of clock impulses is cleared. Bcd 12 measuring the speed and length of the drop determines the time intervals between fixing the different parts of drop 1 and Sensors 8 and 9. Signals corresponding to these time intervals are then sent to the sensing machine 16, where the input and output speeds v are determined. drop length 1. The input speed signal is also sent to the generator 18 clock pulses. At the moment when the sensor 9 fixes the front edge of capdidi 1, the acquisition control signal 13 generates the start edge of the scan; it enters a scanning start signal that goes to the units for measuring the shape of the drop shape of drops 19 and 20. Then the blocks 19 and 2.0 start receiving signal from cameras 10 and 11. In the process of dropping drop 1, chambers 10 and 11 perform a scan, and blocks 19 and 20 determine the width and position: -; e of the edges and center of drop 1 for each deployment. Scanning is performed at equal distances traveled by droplet 1. The scanning speed is controlled by a clock generator 18. After cameras 10 and 11 scan 512 times, the data acquisition control npeic reduces the generation of a scan start signal. The next cycle starts when a reset signal is received and the cycle begins.
After each deployment, the data collected in the division of measurement of the drop of drops 19 and 20, enters the memory element 24. When the memory element contains all the data in the data collection control unit 13, a counter reset signal is received, shown by line 26. Block 13 in its turn generates a signal to blocks 19 and 20, where it resets the data counters contained in these chains. This signal is on one of the lines 27. From the memory element 24, information enters the recording device 25, where images from both cameras
The PCR on the screen. The computing machine 16 uses the information accumulated in the memory element 24, D / 1I to determine the volume and weight of the drop 1. Then this information is sent to the recording device 25.
4 shows the measurement unit.
On f and g and the length of the drop is 12. The first speed of Chick 8 generates a signal. Chalno yes
corresponding to code i when the droplet 1 intersects the path of the laser beam 4. The output of sensor B via line 28 is connected to the data acquisition control unit 13, as well as to the input of circuit I 29 and inverter 30. When the output of sensor 8 corresponds to code O, at the output of the control unit 13, the reset signal also corresponds to code 1. The reset output is connected to the inverted input
0 of the multivibrator 31, the S input of the multivibrator 31 is connected to the inputs of the AND 32 circuit. Initially, the output of the multivibrator 31 is a signal 1, therefore when a reset signal is received, 1, 1 is output at the output of the AND 32 circuit. Circuits And 29.33 and 34. In the same way, Circuits 11 29, 33 and 34 are in working condition when.
0 B1, circuit Hoods And 32 - 1.
Bivhoi sensor 9 is connected to the inputs of the circuits And 33 and 34 and with the input.k-: ikvertora 35. The output of the inverter 35 is connected to the input of the circuit And 29 and to the input
5 snrO: 1izatz: and multivibrator 31. way, the synchronization of the multivibrator is 1; it is active at the moment; -: 3;.: The signal of the output signal of the inverto; .a from Oh to 1 that place.,
0 when the tail valve of droplet 1 passes by the sensor. 9, when 1 arrives at the input of synchronization 15 and multivibrator 31, the signal O is generated at its output, cleared when the reset signal O is received.
5 This in turn leads to the appearance at the output of the circuit AND 32 of a signal corresponding to code O. Thus, the output cxeNibi AND 32 corresponds to code 1 between the moment,
0 when sensor 8 was the first to detect the appearance of drop 1, and the moment when sensor 9 last recorded the drop 1.
The output cxefvfe AND 29 corresponds to 1, when the output of the sensor is 8 1 and the output of the sensor is 9 O (assuming that the output of the circuit is AND 32 1), This corresponds to the time between the moments of fixing the front edge of the drop 1 by each of the sensors B and 9, Output circuit And 33 corresponds to 1, when the output of the sensor 8 corresponds to O and the output of the sensor 9 is 1. This corresponds to the time between the 5

  , WITH
Upon completion of each deployment, the scan 1 execution signal is sent to the lines that are connected to the input of the OR circuit. 55 The output of the OR circuit 55 is connected to the input 54. Thus, the output of the circuit AND 54 goes to state 1 when the output Q of the multivibrator 52 ( i.e., after receiving the start signal of the cycle), and a scan execution signal is generated. The output of the circuit 54 is connected to the memory element 24; therefore, when 1 appears at the output of the circuit 54, the memory element 24 receives data from the droplet shape measurement elements 19 and 20. After the data collection of the memory elements 24 is completed, the input of the circuit 56 enters 1. The output of the multivibrator 47, connected to the other input of the circuit 56, is in state 1 throughout the whole time of data collection. Thus, the output of the AND 56 circuit is measured from O to 1 after the data of each deployment enters the memory element 24. The outputs of the AND 56 circuit are line 27 associated with the measurement elements of the droplet shape 19 and 20.
The process of controlling the circuit of FIG. 5 is that when the signals of the start of scanning begin to appear, cameras 10 and 11 begin to produce
0 successive deployments. After completing each deployment, the received data goes to element 24. After completing data collection from memory element 24, into blocks
5, the drop shape measurement signals are sent, preparing them for the next deployment measurements. Then, the next scan start signal is generated, and the process is repeated. The output O of the multivibrator 49 cb 0 with the input of the inverter 57. The output of the inverter is connected to the inverted reset input of the multivibrator 47.
Claims (2)
1. A method of measuring the volume of a falling drop of glass, including measuring its length, and so on, in order to increase the accuracy of measuring the volume, the length of the drop is measured by calculating the rate of its fall, and then carry out scanning the falling droplet with a certain frequency, measuring its horizontal dimensions in the cross section, calculating the cross-sectional area of the droplet and multiplying it by the increment of the droplet size in height between the moments of scanning, and the droplet volume is calculated as the sum of the calculated products, the scanning frequency is adjusted depending on the speed of the drop.
2. A device for measuring the volume of a falling drop, containing two photosensors installed along the line of falling drops, characterized in that it is equipped with two photodiode cameras located below two photosensors along the path of falling drops and installed at an angle to each other, a data acquisition control unit, a unit for measuring the rate of fall and droplet length, two units for measuring the shape of the droplet, a clock generator, a memory element, a computer, and a recording unit, the outputs of the first photode the sensors are connected to the first inputs of the unit for measuring the velocity of drop and drop length and the control unit for collecting data, the outputs of the second photosensor are connected to the second inputs of the unit for measuring the rate of drop and length of a drop and control unit for collecting data and the first input of the clock generator, the second and third the inputs of which are connected respectively to the first output of the unit for measuring the velocity of drop and drop length and to the first output of the data collection control unit, and the output is connected to the third input of the data collection control unit, h the fourth, fifth and sixth inputs of which are connected respectively to the first output of the memory element and to the first outputs of the drop shape measuring units, the fifth and sixth inputs of the data collection control unit are also connected to the inputs of the photodiode cameras, which are connected to the first outputs of the drop shape measuring units, third the inputs of the drop shape measuring units are interconnected and connected to the third input of the generator. synchronizing pulses and to the third input of the drop velocity and drop length measurement unit, the second outputs of the drop shape changing units are connected to the first and second inputs of the memory element, the second output of which is connected to the first input of the recording unit and the first input of the computer, the second output of the drop velocity measurement unit and the length of the droplet is connected to the second input of the computer, the output of which is connected to the second input of the recording unit.
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